Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Thing #23, DONE!

Woo! Finally finished! I enjoyed the 23 things, but my biggest problem was being pressed for time to actually do this. The circulation staff is usually shelving or being on the front desk, we always have something expected of us to do, and if one of us isn't doing it, the others feel it. So, finding time to get the 23 Things done was difficult, to say the least. The actual Things themselves we alright, but in my free time I enjoy putzing around online, so I already knew some of the Things. Getting to more about RSS feeds and Bloglines was really interesting though. It would've been nice to have had more time to actually sit back and appreciate what I was looking at, but I was usually just trying to complete the activity in the few moments I had. While enjoyable and definitely a learning experience, I would suggest different ways of giving this to circulation and information staff. While information staff has scheduled time off the desk, if perhaps the circulation department would be given each day at a specific time to do just one Thing. That would've been helpful. I tried to squeeze in a few Things at a time. So yay! All done, no more having to steal a moment or too in! *cheers*

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